The Dhead Factor Latest Episode

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Epis 75 - And then there was Tom talking about going to the toilet

So Welcome to a very long and some have considered epic episode in the back to fortnightly episode of the Dhead Factor

In this episode

* Music from the great band @TeaWhyb

* Tom Bevis joins Jabs to answer some pointed questions and talk Random News

* New episode of Boganwood

* The legend Shamus O Coont

* Jabs in real life

* The failed Dhead Factor episode

and so much more !

It was a very big episode and worth it now we are fortnightly !

Thats it from me, get our blogs and more at

Thank you and good night ! Jabsxxxxoooooo

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

This blog is titled......more then enough

Hello this is Jabs from the Dhead Factor!

So how are we going around the world and what the hell have you been up to?
Me I hear you not ask, well I have been doing bits and pieces and working and all that boring stuff. That being said we are working on this weekend’s episode in which we will be bringing the big guns! But what can I say about that except you must listen.
So as the world reports a range of different things on their website front pages, we are again haunted by yet another election. Now when I say election it should go with some understanding so here it is……
In Australia we vote for a political party, based on our thoughts of their policies and the work they do for the economy. In some cases for instance if you are a sole worker or trader you may vote for the Liberal party, as they have been known to help you. But I have to admit, that this year I’m at a stale mate. I wouldn’t have a clue who votes for and if it wasn’t mandatory, I’m not even certain I would actually vote!!!!
What that’s an outrage I hear you not say! Well if you lived and breathed the Australia politics as we do, you would also find it hard to try and sift through the crap to find at least one party you agree with!
But that’s enough about politics! I wouldn’t want to show how ignorant I actually am (Or more so then I usually do). What else has been happening I hear you say?
Well I have run into a couple of kangaroos lately (You can find the photos on Instagram- dheadfactor username) as I walking around the suburbs. Now there are 2 kinds of kangaroos…. There are the small cutes one (earlier seen yesterday) and then there are the big (Don’t fuck with me) ones…..
I will go into the story in detail this weekend on the show but let me just say, that when they are big they can be very deadly!
FUCK its cold! Now I know I should complain, but it’s really cold at the moment…. And don’t get me started on those bloody raiders! How dare they break their winning streak in my presence!!!
Besides all this nothing has been happening, it actually too cold to have a life outside of the internet but that has allowed me to get into more writing for the show (and other projects).
Well that’s enough from me but I will leave you with some ways to live as an Australian even if you  live in another country…….
·        Step 1 – Call everyone mate…. I mean everyone. Don’t miss out on calling female, males, animals, kids, lawyers, bus drivers, taxi drivers or people over the phone. Just through it in there. If you get stuck on a name (or can’t remember one) just say G’day Mate and you will get away from it.
·        Step 2 – Give your ‘Mates’ a nick name…… don’t go to too much trouble (that would be un-Australian). A great way to start is to add an ‘O’ to the ends of their names….. Now remember that in Australia that a nick name is not a way to shorten a name… It’s a way to lazily speak about someone….. Here a sentence to assist you -  ‘Gday Mate, I was driving with Davo the other day when Jacko and Micko rang me up and said that we should head over to Ricko’s place’
Well there only a couple of them but if you listen to Boganwood ( you will get more pointers!
Plus we will be doing stuff in the new Dhead Factor episode out this weekend!!!!!
Thank you for reading and goodnight!!