Its the day to be proud and Australian today !Happy Australia Day !
A few pointers before I begin my rant in true Dickhead Factor style
* Cricket is awesome !
* Beer is good
* The triple J hottest 100 is the only thing to listen to after you listen to our latest episode
* A mate is someone that stands by you and supplies the beer
* Thongs are footwear.......not shit you shove up your arse
* Vegemite is a mandatory breakfast !
* Getting your canadian wife to make a pavlova is still Australian
* Sunscreen is a must
* Flies are still fucking annoying
* Cleaning the BBQ before use is optional
* Place your beers in the fridge early to ensure they are cold enough for general use......
* Salad is optional and is only called salad when there is meat mixed through...
* Eating lamingtons is not gay today ! Eat up !!
* Hosing down something is as good as washing something
* If you cant fish some fishing
* Your bbq must have sausages, and lamb chops
* Watch out for Drop Bears
* Its ok to eat both Kangaroo and Emu as long as its cooked on the BBQ
and last but definately not least
* Wave your flags high ! Even if you disagree where it comes from its still an exhibition of being Australian and proud ! It is not racist !!
So heres our latest podcast and older episode for you to enjoy !
And so begins my rant ! Fuck you it aint racist to display a flag of the country you live in....especially when its AUSTRALIA DAY people....... Racism is a targeted attack at different races and is completely not acceptable.....unless your english......but other then that....if your proud, wave your flag high ! Then put your pants back on because you may have vistors....
Being Australian is not about races, its about nationality and in this country we are proud to welcome other countries and their customs.....especially Irish Day.... there more drunk green faced Aussies then any other country !
But on a serious note we are all Australians deep down....if you love beer, have mates and dont take shit seriously.....
She'll be right mate ! Fuck ough ! Struth, What the fuck is a shrimp ?, That aint burnt is well done........................
I hope whoever you are and wherever you are you have a moment to think about Australia today as today is our day to celebrate relaxing and drinking .....
Thank you and Good night
Jabs - The Dhead Factor
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