The Dhead Factor Latest Episode

Friday, 25 May 2012

The interuption of what was once greatness

How are you all ?
We at the DHead take on the Random news from around the world and put our Australian perspective onto it.

Im not going to lie, we sometime get carried away but honestly who could blame us ?

* Tanning mothers taking their daughters to the salon
* John Travolta getting touchy with male massagers !
* A candian man gets attacked whilst sitting on the toilet
* #fujosh isnt allowed to turn up to the football during the week.....

What is going on people ?

Is this place getting worse or has it become worse since we were classed as entertainment ?

I mean come on, we enjoy the show and so do you .... who wouldnt but we make entertainment out of the idiots in the worlds !

And it will only get worse

Take a listen to our latest show

Im not expecting you to listen to the whole show.... especially when you can get some listening pleasure from both

or iTunes on

It is interesting when you thin about it, and we expect you to be part of the show....

send us random news, or a tweet, or even just say Gday .......

We are driven by the fans and we enjoy our own show

Thank you and Good night

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Episode 32.......

Episode 32

The Dhead Factor Random news cast is now available

Welcome to Epsiode 32 In this episode Jabs and Josh make a valiant return By valiant return, 

I mean a return from last week. 

 In this episode we take a look at the Random news from around the globe, talk horse racing.....regret using the C bomb and so much more 
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously..... 
 Unless your me..... I take it too serious.......I cry at night over it....... 
 Its sad really, did I tell you that Superman 2 is on the tv at the moment ? 
Its good to see, unfortunately its not the directors cut, but what can we do. 

Royal and Doodall did some funny stuff in their last episode.... 

They did a hillbilly hip hop song, and a Rigid Fist add........ 

 And theres always Gee and Jay to bring the funny .....

 I did notice that bonnobo reads this as well, so hello to you as well. Did I cover everything ? Its a fair bit to read when you listening to our show..... 

Long live #fujosh Watch out for the #biggaybear And hello to all #yabastards out there......

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Its only smart if you dont think about it........

Why not talk about the latest episode ?

I have been and its not just because I created it...

Something that merges with comedy and detours to the sad disgrace that there are actually idiots like this out there.

Why not cover topic stories ? Why would we ? Isnt there enough crap out there to make you feel crap about the outside ? What we try to provide is a view at the odd and random news that is happening around the world....

I enjoy it and it doesnt leave you with a bad aftertaste......well sometimes it does.

Click the link and have a listen

If you like what you hear, check us out on iTunes, stitcher and so much more.......

Do you want to be part of the show ? Now you can, either shoot me through an email with a story or add us on skype and be part of the show

We only ask that you have fun, as we do

our site easy isnt it.......